Friday, September 30, 2016

Florida Lung Institute uses Stem Cells for Treatment

What is a Stem Cell?

Stem cells are the building blocks of life–essential to every organism. They self-renew and replicate, with the ability to form any type of tissue in the body. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells, meaning that cells from one part of the body can transform their function to that of other types of tissue, a quality known as plasticity. Plasticity is the key function of stem cells in regenerative medicine.

How Does the Lung Institute use Stem Cells?

The Lung Institute offers stem cell treatment for many major pulmonary conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease. The Lung Institute uses autologous stem cells, cells derived from the patient’s own body. These versatile cells are extracted from one of the following tissues:

  • Bone Marrow Treatment - By using bone marrow to harvest stem cells, patients have the opportunity to breathe easier. This two-part outpatient procedure is minimally invasive and is completed over the course of three days. Each day will require several hours in our office where the stem cells will be harvested, processed and reintroduced into your body. After reintroduction, the stem cells can begin to promote healing and improve your lung function.

  • Blood (Venous) Treatment - For those looking for an alternative to bone marrow derived treatment, they may undergo a venous stem cell treatment. This purely blood-derived treatment is less invasive compared to the bone marrow collection process. Venous stem cell treatment specializes in hematopoietic stem cells compared to both hemapoietic and mesenchymal stem cells found in bone marrow. In addition, follow-up treatments may need to be performed more often for optimal results.

Adult stem cells can form many types of differentiated cells, so when they are returned to the patient, they can promote the healing of lung tissue potentially leading to improved lung function.

Oral Stem Cell Therapy

There are different methods in acquiring Stem Cell Therapy or Live-Cell Therapy. Most of these methods involve injection or surgery and costs a fortune. A more convenient, affordable yet effective method is through oral method. 

Purtier Placenta Live-Cell Therapy is among the trusted names in Oral Stem Cell Therapy. Using the latest in oral capsule technology, Purtier Placenta is recognized as the Rolls Royce of Nutritional Supplementation. Purtier Placenta has been proven as an effective method of taking Live-Cell Therapy with over 1 Million satisfied users worldwide. Its like having an organ transplant piece by piece.

What Method Do You Prefer?

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