Friday, September 30, 2016

Florida Lung Institute uses Stem Cells for Treatment

What is a Stem Cell?

Stem cells are the building blocks of life–essential to every organism. They self-renew and replicate, with the ability to form any type of tissue in the body. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells, meaning that cells from one part of the body can transform their function to that of other types of tissue, a quality known as plasticity. Plasticity is the key function of stem cells in regenerative medicine.

How Does the Lung Institute use Stem Cells?

The Lung Institute offers stem cell treatment for many major pulmonary conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease. The Lung Institute uses autologous stem cells, cells derived from the patient’s own body. These versatile cells are extracted from one of the following tissues:

  • Bone Marrow Treatment - By using bone marrow to harvest stem cells, patients have the opportunity to breathe easier. This two-part outpatient procedure is minimally invasive and is completed over the course of three days. Each day will require several hours in our office where the stem cells will be harvested, processed and reintroduced into your body. After reintroduction, the stem cells can begin to promote healing and improve your lung function.

  • Blood (Venous) Treatment - For those looking for an alternative to bone marrow derived treatment, they may undergo a venous stem cell treatment. This purely blood-derived treatment is less invasive compared to the bone marrow collection process. Venous stem cell treatment specializes in hematopoietic stem cells compared to both hemapoietic and mesenchymal stem cells found in bone marrow. In addition, follow-up treatments may need to be performed more often for optimal results.

Adult stem cells can form many types of differentiated cells, so when they are returned to the patient, they can promote the healing of lung tissue potentially leading to improved lung function.

Oral Stem Cell Therapy

There are different methods in acquiring Stem Cell Therapy or Live-Cell Therapy. Most of these methods involve injection or surgery and costs a fortune. A more convenient, affordable yet effective method is through oral method. 

Purtier Placenta Live-Cell Therapy is among the trusted names in Oral Stem Cell Therapy. Using the latest in oral capsule technology, Purtier Placenta is recognized as the Rolls Royce of Nutritional Supplementation. Purtier Placenta has been proven as an effective method of taking Live-Cell Therapy with over 1 Million satisfied users worldwide. Its like having an organ transplant piece by piece.

What Method Do You Prefer?

For Orders and Information

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What to Do When Your Blood Sugar’s Too High

In an article by we're given information on what to do when our sugar levels goes high. Its interesting to know these things before or when these situations arise. 

You know the best way to control your type 2 diabetes symptoms -- and prevent complications -- is to keep your blood sugar in check. But did you know getting older changes the way your body handles both glucose and insulin? To avoid health setbacks, it may be time to adjust the way you manage your diabetes. 

Diabetes in Older Adults

Aging can affect how well you manage your diabetes. Some hurdles you may face include:
  • Lower mental energy and memory loss, which can make it harder to plan meals and remember to take medication
  • Changes in your body that keep medicine from working as well as it once did
  • Eyesight problems, which can cause you to make mistakes reading your blood sugar levels or taking the right dose of insulin
  • Medications you take for other problems interacting with your diabetes meds and affecting how well they work.

Build Your Health Care Team

There are many medical professionals who can help you live well with diabetes, including:
  • Endocrinologists
  • Nurses
  • Registered dietitians
  • Pharmacists
  • Diabetes educators
  • Foot doctors
  • Eye doctors
  • Dentists
Your risk of depression goes up with both diabetes and age. Talk to a professional counselor or lean on your friends and family for support. Each can help you keep a positive outlook.

Is there a better way?

While it seems hopeless when a person acquires diabetes since there are really no known medicine to cure diabetes. In a report from World Health Organization in 2011 entitled Silent Killers: Death Sentence without Committing a Crime - Diabetes is one of the top killer diseases in the world today. In fact one in every two people can acquire such disease. 

Medicine is in a bottle neck crisis in fighting diseases like diabetes. Another group of scientists look for solutions and discovered Live-Cell Therapy. 

Live-Cell Therapy is a thousand year old method proven to reverse the aging process and answer, if not all of our medical crisis including diabetes. Live-Cell Therapy also known as Stem Cell Therapy has been renowned as the Secret for The Rich and Famous, having only acquired by the elite few. Modern Live-Cell Therapy uses surgery and injections in exclusive clinics and costs over millions of pesos.

Today with the advancement of technology and stem cell research, a more affordable, convenient, easy way to achieve Live-Cell Therapy is available. 

Introducing Purtier Placenta Live Cell Therapy. 

Purtier Placenta is made of fresh cells from deer placenta and comes from pollution-free country of New Zealand. Every time you take Putier Placenta you provide your body with the nutrients to protect and repair, and with live cells from deer placenta your body can also regenerate and rejuvenate.  

What to Do When Your Blood Sugar’s Too High? 

Start your Live-Cell Therapy now!

Take Purtier Placenta!


Friday, September 23, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Modern Day Live-Cell Therapy

Modern live cell therapy started, as do many medical discoveries, by accident. A young surgeon had accidentally irreparably injured the parathyroid of a patient in the course of an operation for goiter. The parathyroid gland sits very close to the thyroid gland in the throat and is responsible for calcium metabolism in the body. As a result of this injury, the patient went into severe convulsions because calcium metabolism had been so altered. The situation was life threatening. Having no time to make a tissue transplantation as he normally would have done, Dr. Niehans simply macerated the parathyroid gland of an ox, added a pinch of salt, and injected this into the pectoral muscle of the patient. Remarkably, over the next few hours, convulsions diminished and then disappeared. The patient, who had been most certainly headed for death, was saved. More astonishing was that complete recovery lasted for over 20 years.

cellular therapy is a method of treating the whole organism on a biological basis, capable of revitalizing the human organism...

Over the next 42 years, Dr. Niehans gave more than 45,000 cellular injections, after which he came to the conclusion that "cellular therapy is a method of treating the whole organism on a biological basis, capable of revitalizing the human organism with its trillions of cells by bringing to it those embryonic or young cells which it needs . . . selective cellular therapy offers new life to the ailing or diseased organism". 

Dr. Niehan's clinic, Clinique La Prairrie in Switzerland, became a place visited by the rich and famous for rejuvenation and treatment of serious diseases. 

Live cell therapy became famous for its successful treatment of many difficult disorders...ranging from memory loss, fatigue and depression to cancer...

Well known people such as Charles DeGaule, Charlie Chaplain, Pope Pius XII, King Ibn Saud, Konrad Adenauer and Winston Churchill visited Clinique La Prairrie to have these live cell injections for conditions ranging from memory loss, fatigue and depression to cancer. 

 Live cell therapy became famous for its successful treatment of many difficult disorders. He reported that even seriously ill patients tolerated the treatment remarkably well and that there were no fatalities in his 45,000 treatments. 

In the U.S., doctors were also experimenting with oral preparations of tissue extracts. From the 1920's to 1950's, several groups of doctors in the United States used almost every gland, organ and tissue in live cell therapy with similar success. Some had remarkable success. 

With this therapy, the patient would be given fresh, freeze-dried, or frozen extracts of the gland or tissue. If it was an endocrine gland the hormones would be all or mostly removed. Live cells would be administered orally or by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection anywhere from once daily to once every three months. Occasionally therapy would continue for one to two years. The end result was often the disappearance of the maladies and no more need for medication or hormones to correct the cellular imbalances. 

With technology today, a more convenient and affordable way of having Live-Cell Therapy is available. No need to spend millions of pesos. No needles to endure painful injections. 

Purtier Placenta Live-Cell therapy is proven to deliver the best of Live-Cell therapy can offer. With over one millions satisfied customers for the last eight years, Purtier Placenta Live-Cell therapy is the best choice.

Purtier Placenta is source from fresh deer placenta from New Zealand. Purtier Placenta applies four technologies in providing the best oral Live-Cell therapy.

Freeze Drying Technology ensures that cells carefully extracted from fresh dear placenta preserve its bioactivity for three to four years.

Nitrogen-filled Technology prevents oxidation on the cells in the capsule. By flushing oxygen out from the capsule and filling it with nitrogen bacteria buildup is eliminated. 

Enteric-Coated Technology protects the Live-Cells from being destroyed by stomach acid. Nutrient delivery is done in the small intestine where there is 60% to 80% higher absorption rate.

Emulsification Technology allows the nutrients to be absorb by the body efficiently.  

With Live-Cell therapy and these four technologies, Purtier Placenta is labeled and recognized as the Rolls Royce of nutritional supplementation. Purtier Placenta is approved by the FDA and is categorized as food.

History of Live-Cell Therapy

Live cell therapy is a unique and increasingly popular method of treatment for many conditions in which live whole cells or cell extracts are administered in their natural form. Although centuries old, new refinements in technology have made this form of therapy a treatment mode that is on the verge of exploding. 

live cell therapy offers something that vitamins, minerals and other natural treatments cannot

Why? Because live cell therapy offers something that vitamins, minerals and other natural treatments cannot. It can provide the exact components necessary for the injured or diseased tissue to totally heal and sometimes regenerate. 

Live cell therapy has several names. It is also known as cellular therapy, live protein extracts, live cell fractions, tissue extracts, organotherapy or live cell extracts. It arises from the old adage that like cures like, in that when an organ or tissue is diseased and the same healthy organ or gland from the same or another species is given, it results in the strengthening and/or healing of the affected organ or gland. The tissue used for live cell tissue extracts is typically from the organs or glands of sheep, cattle, pigs and more recently from the cartilage of shark.

Cellular therapy is in reality several thousand years old, with the earliest references being found in the Kama-sutra, an ancient East Indian sanskrit text, in which a decoction of buck testes and milk was prescribed as a strength giving remedy. 

The Papyrus of Eber, another ancient medical text, described preparations manufactured from animal organs to be given therapeutically. 

We find that Hippocrates used the corresponding healthy organs of animals for relief of diseased organs in humans. 

Although there were significant experiments from notable researchers such as Claude Bernard (1835) and Alexis Carrel (1912), live cell therapy in Europe began in 1931 with Dr. Paul Niehans.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Reverse Aging with Live Cell Therapy

Reverse Aging and Live Cell Therapy

Reverse-aging sounds like a dream, but in fact Live-Cell therapy may make a big difference as to how you look and how you feel.  Dr. Jonathan V. Wright wrote an interesting report about Live Cell Therapy entitled, “How pigs can help you look and feel 15 years younger in just three months”

The basis for reverse aging is thymus extract therapy. Due to the reduction of size of the thymus gland during our life cycle, the thymic-related immune response becomes less the older we get. When we reach 50 years old, only about 15% still functions. This leads to a significant increase in infections, cancer, and auto-immune diseases increasing as we get older.

How People Feel After a Reverse Aging Live-Cell Therapy? 

People who went to Reverse Aging Live-Cell Therapy report the following:

  • A general sensation of feeling younger
  • Skin looks younger and hydrated
  • Lightening of blemishes and facial pigmentation
  • Refining of facial pores and a fresh glow to the skin
  • Skin elasticity and thickness improved
  • Wrinkles are reduced
  • Improvement of sleep quality
  • Improvement of digestion
  • Improvement in blood circulation to the hands and feet
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved sex drive and potency
  • Relief from sexual dysfunction
  • Firming of the breasts
  • Relief from symptoms of menopause
  • Relief from PMS
  • Improvement in the immune system
  • A feeling of being awake and alert
  • Higher energy levels
  • Increase in joint flexibility and agility
  • Decrease in weight
  • Improvement of blood parameters
  • Feeling of being alive again

Can Anyone Easily Avail Live-Cell Therapy?

Live-Cell therapy has been regarded as the Secret of the Rich and Famous. The Reverse Aging benefit of Live-Cell therapy made it so expensive and only available to the elite few.

With the Purtier Placenta Live Cell Therapy you can enjoy reverse aging every day at the comfort of your home. Not only that you can avail Live-Cell Therapy at a cheaper price, you also get the effects and results of a complete Live-Cell therapy offered by expensive clinics and hospitals world wide.

How Live-Cell Therapy Works

Protect, Repair and Regenerate and Rejuvenate are the three steps in which your body undergoes when you apply Live-Cell therapy. While most supplements in the market provides Protection and Repair to your body only Live-Cell therapy can provide Regeneration and Rejuvenation.

Regeneration and Rejuvenation are the two key processes that define an effective cell therapy. This advance health therapy can revitalize your body's cells, regenerate your body's ability to heal and facilitate and maintain optimal health.

Live-Cell therapy is considered an advanced alternative medicine for those wishing to:

  • Reverse the aging process
    • Finer skin texture and even toned complexion
    • Lighten the appearance of freckles and pigmentation
    • Hydrates skin, erasing wrinkles and fine lines
    • Enhances the skin renewal process, reducing the appearance of scars
    • Regenerate cells, tissues and organs
    • Boost immune system
    • Vast improvement in alertness and mental functions
    • Improve vitality
  • Relieve or address chronic conditions
    • Convalescence after illness or surgery
    • Connective tissue disorders such as arthritis
    • Chronic pain, headache, migraine, back pain or neuralgia
    • Heart and circulatory problems
    • Menopausal complaints and hormonal imbalances
    • Depression
    • Liver diseases
    • Sexual dysfunction
    • Diabetes Mellitus
    • Autism
    • Cerebral palsy
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Allergic conditions

Source: cell therapy benefits

Purtier Placenta 5th Edition Live Cell Therapy

Purtier Placenta 5th Edition is formulated using carefully chosen fresh Deer Placenta with is rich in nutrients and active live cells. New Zealand is specially selected as the origin production country of Purtier Placenta as it is widely known to be one of the least polluted places on earth. According to scientists, one of the most important functions of the unique components of fresh Deer Placenta is to strengthen the body immune system. Strong immune system plays crucial role in promoting longevity, and enable every cells, organs and body to remain in their optimal health condition.

Deer Placenta is specially chosen as the active ingredient for Purtier Placenta because of its bio-compatibility with human, together with the other 9 precious natural ingredients.


What is Live Cell Therapy?

Live-Cell Therapy is the only process in the world that is proven to be safe and effective in reversing the aging process. Its miraculous rejuvenation properties have helped people to regain their youth and vitality, become the trusted choice of the rich and famous to defy aging and attain perennial youthfulness.

Live-Cell Therapy doctors believe that it is just like an organ transplant, with the ability to make aging cells become younger. Live-Cell Therapy is also known as Stem Cell Therapy, Cell Therapy, Cytotherapy or Cellular Therapy.
